Midland Classical Academy

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Upper School Culture » Service


The Upper School endeavors to cultivate an environment of service to others. In addition to classroom emphasis, we demonstrate this virtue primarily through two avenues.

Lunchroom and Afternoon Duty

All students are required to help with campus facility clean up at the end of the lunch hour and after school for two weeks during the school year. Students are encouraged to complete their duties eagerly with a good attitude. 

Service Awards

MCA students are encouraged to serve both their school and community. They have the opportunity to earn
awards for hours spent in service. Students serving 25 hours for the benefit of the school will receive a
School Service Award. A Community Service Award can also be earned by serving an additional 25
hours to benefit the community.  Recognition of service hours will be awarded at the year-end Awards Ceremony. 
Please see the Upper School Handbook for Parents and Students for more details.