Midland Classical Academy considers the extracurricular activities it sponsors to be an integral part of the learning experience for students and accordingly encourages wide participation.
With the primary mission of MCA being focused on assisting parents in developing their children into Christian leaders who walk with the Lord in a manner that impacts the world for Christ, our extracurricular activities provide an outstanding opportunity to put the principles learned in the classroom into action. Our culture worships fame, achievement, and personal glory. In contrast, MCA seeks to pursue success in a manner which is distinctive from that of our culture, and which will accomplish drastically different results.
MCA's extracurricular programs provide an ideal opportunity for students to learn to put forth maximum effort, even when the flesh is weak.
Ecclesiastes 9:10 says, “Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with your might.” Ephesians 2:10 says, “We are created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we might walk in them.” Paul says in I Corinthians 9:24, “Do you not know that those who run in a race all run, but one receives the prize? Run in such a way that you may obtain it.” Colossians 3:23 says, “Whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men.” In all these (NKJV) passages the need for diligent effort is apparent.
MCA's extracurricular programs provides an ideal opportunity for students to practice walking by faith, denying the flesh, and walking in the spirit.
Romans 8:28-29 says that God weaves all things together to conform us to the image of Christ. Galatians 5:22 lists the fruit of the Spirit that we exhibit as we allow Christ to live through us.
Joy: When we experience disappointment in meeting our desires, whether it be playing time or outcome, we have the opportunity to learn to focus on the greater goal of becoming like Christ. This allows us to experience joy in times of unhappy circumstances.
Peace: When we are confronted with belligerent opponents, a biased official, a heckling crowd, or even uncooperative teammates, we have the opportunity to learn to focus on the fact that Christ as the great judge will bring all to right, and His rest becomes our peace.
Patience: When we are frustrated in achieving our desires - the development of personal ability, performing at less than our capability, overcoming injury, not being utilized by the coach/sponsor in the manner we desire, not getting recognition we think we deserve, etc. - we have the opportunity to focus on the biblical principle of Rom. 12:18 (NIV) to make sure that “as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.”
Goodness, Kindness, Gentleness: As we focus on giving our all for Christ for the eternal rather than temporal rewards, we can become more like Christ by walking in the newness of life as He has made us new creations. We can then view our competitors as our best allies because they are creating the environment that allows us to progress toward our goal. We can view the officials and the rules as great friends because they are providing an opportunity to achieve our ultimate objective in life. We can view our teammates as essential elements in developing our character. As this occurs, our behavior towards others exhibits these traits of Christ.
Self-Control (Discipline): As we are pushed beyond our limits by our teammates, opponents, and coaches/sponsors, we have the opportunity to learn to trust in Christ for our sufficiency rather than reverting to the flesh and making excuses or placing blame on others. We also are allowed the opportunity to resist the temptation to cut corners as we submit to the rules, even when we could get away with non-compliance.
Since each player, team member, coach, sponsor, and fan will reflect on MCA and what we stand for, we will agree to hold each other accountable to a standard of behavior that reflects the foregoing philosophy toward other teams, officials, and each other. Any participant, coach, sponsor, or fan who becomes an obstacle to the implementation of this policy shall not be allowed to participate. Midland Classical Academy is a member of the Texas Association of Private and Parochial Schools (TAPPS) and will abide by all the rules and regulations of TAPPS.
MCA’s policy is that each student involved in athletic or extracurricular activities must maintain an 85 grade-point average for each class. Throughout the year, there are four designated Academic Checkpoints at which grades will be evaluated for meeting this standard. Check the school calendar on for Academic Checkpoint dates.
At each Academic Checkpoint students who are not mastering (85 or above) one or more of their classes, are ineligible to participate and/or travel with the team for any games, meets, or extracurricular events for a minimum of two weeks. *
Following the mandatory weeks of ineligibility, the student will be declared eligible when his/her grade point average returns to an 85 or above. It is the student’s responsibility to communicate with the Administration (office) when their grade-point average has reached 85 or higher. The Administration (office) will confirm that the student is eligible and will communicate the updated eligibility status of the student with the Athletic Director and coaches. Once the student is eligible, the student’s eligibility status will not be evaluated again until the next checkpoint date. *
*Exception: If at any point the student’s grade falls below a 70 in any class, they will not be eligible to practice or participate in any event until the grade is above a 70.
If your student participates in athletics or extracurricular activities and is struggling academically, please remind them to communicate with their tutors for a plan of action. All revisions and missing assignments should be turned in to the tutors at least one week before the Academic Checkpoint. Tutors have one week to input grades. Communicate to dominate!
A participation fee is required for each student participating in an extracurricular activity. Additional fees will be billed for travel expenses and a sport’s trainer, when applicable. All fees for extracurricular activities will be processed through FACTS Family Portal. The Upper Student Fee Schedule may be found on the website under Tuition & Fees.
Parents of students participating in extracurricular activities are required to fulfill a specified number of volunteer hours per student per activity. Volunteer hours for extracurricular activities are in addition to the required MCA Parent Service Hours. The extracurricular hours required vary depending on the activity or sport. There are a variety of opportunities to fulfill service hour requirements, including mentoring, team transportation, set-up, tear-down, score keeping, tickets, concessions, etc. Parents who drive team members to and from events/competitions may record their driving time toward their MCA Parent Service Hours but not to exceed half of the required school hours. Parents who have been approved to serve as coaches, concession stand coordinator, uniform coordinator, and Robotics’ team parent fulfill both extracurricular and school service hour requirements.
Fundraising is vital for the success of our extracurricular programs. Donations are used to cover the cost of equipment, supplies, uniforms, team apparel, travel expenses, technology, facilities maintenance, and other equipment that will help our students improve their skills.